Friday, July 24, 2015

how to live with a genius idea

so i had what i thought was a fan freaking tastic idea to hike to sliding rock in Alpine. little did i know, sliding rock isnt even a thing anymore. im sorry but excuse me? so we hiked all the way up to the other part thats not even that cool. i had to walk through streams and small rivers to get to it. it was beautiful and all but majorly disappointing. all im saying is i better fall asleep tonight before 4 in the morning, cause that was a freaking work out. and my mom was getting on me about taking 'baby steps' and my argument was 'mom, safety first' because when i took bigger steps, i started going too fast and needed Billiam to be my stopper because gravitys a bitch. anyways, my feet and my back hurt. we decided that i wont be in charge of planning family activities anymore. mostly because 9 times out of 10, my ideas either suck or dont work out. occasionally both but were moving forward.


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