Sunday, September 13, 2015

how to live with a family

my moms younger brother just left and earlier he was talking to me and telling me that when you have two really stubborn, hard-headed people (talking about me and my mom) fighting or not seeing eye to eye on things, that a lot of the time, its a lot easier if you are the one to give and try to make a settlement. now, if you know my uncle and his background, you would not think that Uncle Joey knows crap about relationships, but in the last few months he has seriously turned his life around. he stopped drinking, he stopped smoking, he turned his house into an acceptable family area, no more hookers... i could go on and on. i am so proud of him. like im feeling a lot of family-related pride right now. and not just for Joe, for my whole family. life is good. and i feel so blessed. blessed that i even have a family, blessed that ive had the life experiences to make me who i am today and teach me that life is a brat to everyone in their own way, just i needed a big thing like my accident to get it through my hard head. im blessed to live where i do and be able to live the life i do and blessed that i even get to live.  my blessings are too many to list here (or anywhere, really) but Go-go did give me a whole new outlook on life and he left me with a challenge. he said that the next time i get hyper-annoyed at something, i need to remind myself to take a step back and cool down before i do or say anything. so thats my two-cents for today.

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