Wednesday, October 7, 2015

How to live with a mostly broken heart

When you're dreamin with a broken heart, waking up is the hardest part.
My heart is mostly broken.
Still there but not working correctly.
I can feel it beating.
I'm still alive.
But it just doesn't function like it should.
I thought it would be, but after everything I've been through, it's just not.
Maybe it never will again.
I hope that's not the case.
I honestly feel like you were my last hope and that sure as crap didn't work out.
Is it me?
Am I the problem here?
Iif I am, is there any hope for me?
Well cuss. What do I do now?
Try a little harder?
What the hell do you think that was, if not me trying?
Am I just shit out of luck?
Well fine.
I don't even need anyone.
I mean, it would be nice but if it puts all this stress on me, who the hell needs that anyways?
Not me, that's for damn certain.
I guess I'll just be a cat lady.
Because animals know how to love, unconditionally.
You don't.
Thanks for nothing, kiss my ass, goodbye.

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