Sunday, October 18, 2015

How to live with a boyfriend

Not like physically live with him (although that would be nice) but live knowing you have a boyfriend.
It's almost hard not to think 'oh ya I'm hot shit because I have a boy that's mine'
But let's be real, if you were really as hot as your ego is saying, why is James your first since the day after tomorrow?
Wouldn't you have had like 7 before him?
No, you say?
Because there's only one him, you say?
Or maybe it's because all the other boys you went to high school with, were just  that: boys.
James is two years younger than you, but he doesn't seem that way.
You asked him the other day if he just thought that the older girl thing was hot and he caught you off guard: 'no, not really, I like you because you're beautiful.'
Oh. Okay. 
Then, he says "plus, it might just be because I'm so tall, and I'm not calling you short, but what are you, 5'4"-5'5"?"
5'6" and a half thank you very much.
To say he's taller than me, would be a bit of an understatement.
He's 6'2" and if I weren't already self conscious about it, I sure as hell am now.
B.t.dubs, how did that even become an expression? Is hell really sure or something?

Anyways, I got so caught up in thinking about James that I can't even remember what I was posting about.

I love you.

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