Friday, July 10, 2015

how to live with your wisdom teeth

you know how i was saying the other day that i wish there was a book titled "How To Live With A TBI"? well just barely, i had the idea to create one. so thats what this is. except for its not really a 'how to live with a tbi' book (cause i have no idea how to do that), but its a how to live with 100 other things that i actually know how to do. i just got my wisdom teeth out, and so im going to tell you how to live with your wisdom teeth, when youve needed them out for like 18 months. its going to hurt like a bitch. your teeth are going to be all up and all over your other teeth. guess its a good thing you never had braces before. but youre sure as hell going to need them now... as soon as your incisions heal. which may be never. thats probably not true. you just got your teeth extracted on Tuesday. feels like they wont ever heal though. probably because youre not taking the best care of them, my bottom right side is wickedly bruised. not me nor my mom know how that happened but im just glad theyre finally out. technically, youre only supposed to rinse your mouth out every morning and night but ive been a rebel and have been rinsing three times a day. i know, i know, im probably screwing it all up, but welcome to my life.
im out
♥ kirsten

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