Sunday, July 12, 2015

how to live with crazies

this is about how youre supposed to live a good life at home with a crazy family.
STEP ONE: ignore most of the shit that goes on
STEP TWO: love everyone
STEP THREE: try to not have anything to do with your brother. your only brother knows how to push your buttons and thats his favorite past time
STEP FOUR: dont watch tv (because you have enough shit to worry about without rotting your brain being one of them)
STEP FIVE: try your damnedest not to kill yourself
STEP SIX: well you can imagine it, as long as you dont make a plan on how. a lot of people will miss you and God wants you here, plus suicide is stealing a life from God and Hes not about that
STEP SEVEN: are we almost done?
STEP EIGHT: spend most of your time in your bedroom but when you do have to come out of the Batcave, only speak when spoken to (or if its one of your siblings, dont respond)
STEP NINE: if one of your siblings is talking to you, and its not like "hey Kik, go kill yourself", count your blessings and that one (usually Jaymie) is your new favorite
STEP TEN: remember how you and Jaymie were the best of friends before it was all shot to hell? but now shes not your baby anymore, partly because she grew up, and partly because you are not the same person as before. so when shes being nice to you, cherish it and be 10x nicer back.

if you follow these steps, itll be better.

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