Saturday, July 18, 2015

how to have creative ideas to blog about

i think im creative
but i also think im funny
and not a lot of prople get my sense of humor
i just kind of blog whatever im feeling
and 9 times out of 10
it upsets my mom
or someone close to me
so i honestly couldnt really give you advice on this scene
but does that stop me?
being this open and upfront about life doesnt work
for a lot of people
but you just gotta not care what other people think
if it makes them feel better about themselves
to think youre out of your mind
let them.
how does what they think in their head affect you?
most of the time
it doesnt.
if you want others to let you be
you have to let them be
isnt that the golden rule?
to treat others how you want to be treated?
last time i checked
it was.
so there are probably most of you out there
who dont think im funny
who think im too abrasive
and you can think that
but if you start talking about it
'omg. did you read what Kirsten posted?
wasnt it so wrong?'
then theres the door
i hope you let it
hit you in the ass on your way out

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