Sunday, July 12, 2015

how to live with hurt

if theres one thing i know how to do, its that i know how to hurt. how to hurt mentally, how to emotionally hurt, and theres one more thing that i know how to do, how to hurt physically. i have tons of experience with that. probably more than enough. ive experienced more tons of these three types of pain but physical gets like 7 gold stars by it because not only did i have to relearn to walk on a shattered pelvis, broken tib/fib and a broken hip, but some genius thought that all that pain wasnt good enough and made me iron-man and from like the endish of November until the end of May, i get to feel all my bionic (i am iron man, something something something) parts shrink and move and then expand when it gets warm and move again. it feels like my bones and rods of metal are having a party and they didnt invite me.
how rude.
technically, i got my wisdom teeth out on tuesday, the 7th so you would think i would be really hurting, right?
but nope.
this is nothing.
when my sister Emma got hers out in like 2011, she slept for three days straight.
ive already caught up on all the sleep ill need for the rest of my life.
my sister Jacquelynnes birthday was the 9th and we went to The Cheesecake Factory for dinner.
me and mom and all my siblings and Chaddy and my cousins, Madi and Jordan.
Madi and Jojo were astounded that i had just had mouth surgery and wasnt home, sleeping.
they dont even know.
plus when you take into consideration all the shit ive gone through, wisdom teeth removal is nothing.
like yeah, it hurts, but not really very much and if i cant handle a little pain, then i cant do anything.
but i can handle a lot of pain.
more than most of you will ever get to experience and then some.

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