Thursday, February 15, 2024

annoying upstairs neighbors

I have to say that my Hispanic (I think) upstairs neighbors are even more annoying than my former upstairs neighbors that would have sex all the time. At least at San Marino, I lived in luxury apartments with at least thicker insulation, so I could only overhear the literal pounding occasionally. Let me tell you that these fuckers (a-literal) are stomping around at all hours of the night and/or screaming at their puppy and dropping shit or yelling at one another ALWAYS. Or slamming doors. That's my personal favorite🙄 Meanwhile, I got in a huge fight with Erik and he informed me that the reason why I live with Nicole and the reason why I most likely always will is because I'm fucking retarded with my money (his words, not mine). I KNOW I'm impressionable, okay? The last thing I need is to be steadily reminded of my shortcomings.
I can usually take the sky is falling from every Chicken Little out there, but not him.

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