Thursday, February 15, 2024

annoying upstairs neighbors

I have to say that my Hispanic (I think) upstairs neighbors are even more annoying than my former upstairs neighbors that would have sex all the time. At least at San Marino, I lived in luxury apartments with at least thicker insulation, so I could only overhear the literal pounding occasionally. Let me tell you that these fuckers (a-literal) are stomping around at all hours of the night and/or screaming at their puppy and dropping shit or yelling at one another ALWAYS. Or slamming doors. That's my personal favorite🙄 Meanwhile, I got in a huge fight with Erik and he informed me that the reason why I live with Nicole and the reason why I most likely always will is because I'm fucking retarded with my money (his words, not mine). I KNOW I'm impressionable, okay? The last thing I need is to be steadily reminded of my shortcomings.
I can usually take the sky is falling from every Chicken Little out there, but not him.

Saturday, October 3, 2020

how to live with immense food allergies

Like a month-ish ago I went to the doctors for my three month checkup and was informed by my doctor that I am allergic to everything. I have Celiac's disease which means no wheat, barley, or rye, I'm allergic to citrus, and lactose-intolerant. So basically I can't eat anything. The good news is that this should mean I will lose weight. But by starving myself because I can't eat. If you have any suggestions, let me know!

Friday, July 3, 2020

how to live with bitches

I was talking to Mindy Vance-Okuno yesterday. Maybe she had a point to her rudeness but come on. I was just wondering if Vance had left a suicide note (PS he didn't) leading me to believe he didn't mean to die. As Melinda oh so kindly reminded me, he had a girlfriend, that wasn't me, whom he loved a lot, so why the hell (my words, not hers) would he want to die? Maybe he didn't. But you didn't have to be so God-damn rude about it. I was just trying to be honest with you and tell you what my thoughts were...
Thanks for nothing, kiss my ass.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

How to be grateful

Sometimes I get so caught up in what I can't do, I forget to rejoice over the things I CAN DO
The things I can do greatly outweigh what I can't. Allow me to show you. Things I can't: drive.
Things I can: I can walk, I can talk, I can breathe on my own, I can swallow (most of the time lol), I can shower, I can use the restroom, I can feed myself, and I can dress myself, to name some of the simple, everyday things. That's quite a few, versus the one thing I can't. That's all I wanted to say.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

How to live with a completely broken heart

I had this great (I thought) idea to write this post, because this is something I feel I know how to do. Then I thought about it again and realized that I have no idea what I'm doing, I'm just figuring it out as I go along. Which isn't really working out too well. I don't want to get out of bed in the morning. Then I really don't want to work out. I guess it's a good thing I don't want to eat, because my gluten intolerance is back (plus, I'm depressed). I think it's a stress related thing. All I know is that I'm in pain if I don't eat, but I'm in pain if I do. I'm not totally sure which pain I'd rather have. My dad said to try and cut out carbs for a while but almost everything has carbs, and the stuff that doesn't is stuff we don't have. The best way to live with a completely broken heart is to just not eat. It's worked wonders for me. Don't eat and promise yourself you'll never take that sorry wiener back. It'll work, I promise. And then, one day, your Prince will come. Hopefully, you'll get lucky and your someday will come a lot sooner than mine has. I've been waiting almost 21 years. Life has never looked more bleak than it does right now. Just remember that it's always darkest before the dawn. But that doesn't do crap for me now, while it's still dark. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. There's always tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

How to live with a sister... And a piano.

My sister Jaymison loves to play the piano. Which is fine and whatever but she plays it so loud with the far right pedal on and I'm trying to go to sleep here. She obviously doesn't care whatsoever. All I'm looking forward to is going to bed and Max, the dog we're babysitting (or dogsitting?), sleeping in my room again. He's such a good dog(: I'm really excited. If only Jaymison would cut the piano out and stop fighting with Zoe. This is the life.